Angewandte Festival 2024 / by Corona Gsteu

University of Applied Arts Vienna- willkommen(:-)

As part of this year's Angewandte Festival, the "Space for Sustainability" RFN will take place on Thursday June 27, 2024 at 15:30. A new cooperation starts between Pensis of the Pensionist*innen Klubs and Studies of the University of Applied Arts, Angewandte department DAE / IKK.K, design, material culture and experimental practice. We meet at 15.30 in the ZFF, Center for Art & Research at Rustenschacher Allee 2-4, 1020*

On these days, the Angewandte presents itself in its diversity: exchange formats, final theses, exhibitions in the central university buildings and exhibitions in the city are framed by a multidisciplinary program. Oskar-Kokoschka-Platz, which is closed to traffic, will become a meeting point, a stage and a square for the four days of the festival.

cooperation between michaela theresia martinek, aprof. mag.a art,
university of applied arts vienna
department DAE / IKK.K
design, material culture and experimental practice
and Corona Gsteu, Häuser zum Leben, Pensi Klubs(;-)